Monday, August 31, 2009

Say hello to my little friend...

Or at least I hope this stuff is my friend, my preventative friend that is!

We are back to school and along with that comes cold and flu season (and apparently the chicken pox). I was alerted that the "3's room" has an outbreak of chicken pox and some have the sniffles and sneezes. Miya is in the 2's it's only a matter of time...

Piggy flu prevention is another story...there are signs all over campus that say STAY HOME if you are sick and anti-bacterial gel bottles are in abundance in all the offices. :-)

I heard this morning that there are 10 confirmed cases of the piggy flu at a university apprx. 80 miles away.

This should be an interesting cold/flu season. Off to see how many sick days I earned over the summer....

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