Friday, July 3, 2009

Conversations with my personal trainer.

To set the scene, envision my big ol' fat, tall, outta shape body hunched up on some weird abdominal machine mimicking the moves of a clam...

Trainer Kate: "Keep going and squeezing Sara, nice and slow"

Me: "uggghhh, this is hard"

Trainer Kate: "7 more"

Me: "I don't think my stomach muscles are very strong"

Trainer Kate: "Well, they shouldn't be! You just had a baby a year ago."

Me: hahahaha laughing

Trainer Kate: "What? Why are you laughing?"

Me: "We are an adoptive family, I didn't give birth"

Trainer Kate: "Oh! That's great, I didn't know that."

Me: "So, really, I'm just in really bad shape and I can't use the I gave birth excuse..."

Trainer Kate: hahahahah laughing "Two more then Sara and then hold it!"

Me: "shit."


  1. I'm cracking up! I DID give birth and will probably use that excuse til he's a teenager! :) Yes, when he's still sitting in my lap in the rocking chair as I try to coax him to sleep...

  2. Now that had me rollin'! Good post Miss Sara!

  3. Now that had me rollin'! Good post! :D

  4. Nice! At least you have a trainer!!!! I just am getting over bronchitis and hardly have done a thing in the last 3 weeks!!!
